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By David.

1The LORD is my light and my salvation.

Whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the strength of my life.

Of whom shall I be afraid?

2When evildoers came at me to eat up my flesh,

even my adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell.

3Though an army should encamp against me,

my heart shall not fear.

Though war should rise against me,

even then I will be confident.

4One thing I have asked of the LORD, that I will seek after:

that I may dwell in the LORD’s house all the days of my life,

to see the LORD’s beauty,

and to enquire in his temple.

5For in the day of trouble, he will keep me secretly in his pavilion.

In the secret place of his tabernacle, he will hide me.

He will lift me up on a rock.

6Now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me.

I will offer sacrifices of joy in his tent.

I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the LORD.

7Hear, LORD, when I cry with my voice.

Have mercy also on me, and answer me.

8When you said, “Seek my face,”

my heart said to you, “I will seek your face, LORD.”

9Don’t hide your face from me.

Don’t put your servant away in anger.

You have been my help.

Don’t abandon me,

neither forsake me, God of my salvation.

10When my father and my mother forsake me,

then the LORD will take me up.

11Teach me your way, LORD.

Lead me in a straight path, because of my enemies.

12Don’t deliver me over to the desire of my adversaries,

for false witnesses have risen up against me,

such as breathe out cruelty.

13I am still confident of this:

I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.

14Wait for the LORD.

Be strong, and let your heart take courage.

Yes, wait for the LORD.

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