APOSTLE PAUL: Why You Need Wisdom from Colossia...
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N.T. Wright Online
This is the official site for information regarding online classes that are being developed by Professor N.T. Wright of St. Andrews University, Scotland.
Learn more about N.T. Wright Online
Develop a broader understanding of what it means to be a King Jesus follower ...
N.T. Wright Online
Enjoy this clip from our newest course, When Truth Meets Power. Prof. Wright ...
N.T. Wright Online
Evangelion, the word we translate as 'Gospel', was a common enough word in th...
N.T. Wright Online
Genesis is often misunderstood as a series of stories about “heroes of the fa...
N.T. Wright Online
In this session from the course, When Truth Meets Power, Prof. N. T. Wright e...
N.T. Wright Online
Is there a link between suffering and joy? N. T. Wright delves into this very...
N.T. Wright Online
Watch the first full lecture of 'Paul and His Letter to the Galatians.' You ...
N.T. Wright Online
Develop a broader understanding of what it means to be a King Jesus follower ...
N.T. Wright Online
'Gospel of Mark' with N.T. Wright is now available! You can view our complet...
N.T. Wright Online
The Sermon on the Mount may be one of the most famous of Jesus's teachings in...
N.T. Wright Online
What can we learn from Matthew's Gospel? A whole lot. One thing we can learn ...
N.T. Wright Online
Study 'Themes in the Gospel of John' with N.T. Wright. Learn more at https://...
N.T. Wright Online
This video reflects on the popular Advent passage, quoted by John the Baptist...
N.T. Wright Online
This dark passage in John 12 opens a doorway into the clash between the dark ...
N.T. Wright Online
In this first episode reflecting on the themes of Advent, Prof. N.T. Wright a...
N.T. Wright Online
This passage about God’s establishment and protection of the Davidic kingdom ...
N.T. Wright Online
Develop a broader understanding of what it means to be a King Jesus follower ...
N.T. Wright Online
Study 'Themes in the Gospel of John' with N.T. Wright! Learn more at https://...
N.T. Wright Online
In this clip from our first course on Romans, Professor Wright puts the doctr...
N.T. Wright Online
In this short clip from N.T. Wright's course, 'Paul and His Letter to the Ro...
N.T. Wright Online
Ephesians is an "in him" kind of letter. Paul continually stresses that every...
N.T. Wright Online
Not sure what your next step is? Desperate to hear God's call? Paul felt the ...
N.T. Wright Online
In Galatians, Paul seems to be on the defensive—but why? In this video from o...
N.T. Wright Online
Develop a broader understanding of what it means to be a King Jesus follower ...
N.T. Wright Online
Free lecture from "Paul: A Biography". https://ntwrightonline.wpengine.com/p...
N.T. Wright Online
What is God’s purpose in creating a world other than Godself? Prof. Wright su...
N.T. Wright Online