Who You're Called To Be | Matthew 5:13 | N.T. W...
The Sermon on the Mount may be one of the most famous of Jesus's teachings in...
N.T. Wright Online
This dark passage in John 12 opens a doorway into the clash between the dark powers holding sway over the world and Jesus, the embodiment of God's glory who has come to deal with them. In this video, Prof. Wright looks back to Jesus's prediction of his own crucifixion to see what he thought the purpose of his suffering would be, drawing all people to himself, drawing the dark powers to their defeat, and establishing God's new kingdom reality. READING SCRIPTURE TOGETHER Playlist: https://bit.ly/3Qc2Y1L Reading Scripture Together is a series of weekly devotions from N.T. Wright Online. Reading scripture in public is not just about feeding our own spirits and minds, but about rehearsing the mighty acts of God for God's glory. Join world-renowned professor, author, and former bishop N.T. Wright to think together online about what God has done, and is doing, among us. New Reading Scripture Together videos arrive every Monday. Make sure you like the video and subscribe to our channel so you never miss a single one. CONNECT WITH N.T. WRIGHT ONLINE Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3PZcJRl Free Course: http://ntwrightonline.org/philemon Website: http://ntwrightonline.org/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ntwrightonline Facebook: http://facebook.com/ntwrightOnline Email: http://eepurl.com/bxn_Ez #NTWright #bible #readingscripturetogether #devotional #biblestudy #jesus #wisdom #newtestament #gospel #kingdom