Nicholas Tom Wright is an Anglican theologian and Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of S...
This is the official site for information regarding online classes that are being developed by Professor N.T. Wright of St...
The Sermon on the Mount may be one of the most famous of Jesus's teachings in...
N.T. Wright Online
We break down general revelation, special revelation, and why this doctrine (...
The Village Church
The book of Psalms is the largest collection of poetry in the Bible. In this ...
Dr. David Taylor introduces the Psalms, songs that engage with the depth and ...
Fuller Studio
Kyle Strobel claims that “prayer thrives when it’s done honestly” and points ...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch our Introduction video on the book of Psalms, which outlines the book's...
Spoken Gospel
Produced by Next Step Ministries. For study guides on this video series and ...
Crazy Love Ministries
What is the Spirit's role in the Christian faith? How does the Holy Spirit re...
Zondervan Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource ...
'Gospel of Mark' with N.T. Wright is now available! You can view our complet...
Did you know that a third of the Bible is ancient Israelite poetry? Poetry is...
Enjoy this clip from our newest course, When Truth Meets Power. Prof. Wright ...
Yahweh, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah... God seems to have a lot of names, what exact...
Genesis is often misunderstood as a series of stories about “heroes of the fa...
Watch our overview video on the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible...
Evangelion, the word we translate as 'Gospel', was a common enough word in th...
Watch our overview video on the book of Psalms, which breaks down the literar...