Who You're Called To Be | Matthew 5:13 | N.T. W...
The Sermon on the Mount may be one of the most famous of Jesus's teachings in...
N.T. Wright Online
In this session from the course, When Truth Meets Power, Prof. N. T. Wright examines the context of Paul's famous speech on the Areopagus. What was really going on? And how do our assumptions get in the way of our fully understanding Paul's message? Learn more in the full course. When Truth Meets Power. Only on Admirato. https://www.admirato/org/courses/when-truth-meets-power CONNECT WITH N.T. WRIGHT ONLINE N.T. Wright Online (now on Admirato.org) is your home for resources from Professor N.T. Wright, inspiring us to think together online about what God has done and is doing among us. Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3PZcJRl Free Courses: https://www.admirato.org/bundles/free Website: http://www.admirato.org/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ntwrightonline Facebook: http://facebook.com/ntwrightOnline Email: http://eepurl.com/bxn_Ez #bible #biblestudy #christianity #ntwright #actsoftheapostles #actsbiblestudy #theology #newtestament #gospels #jesus