David Platt serves as pastor at McLean Bible Church in Washington, D.C. He is the founder and president of Radical. Books ...
The Gospel Coalition is a group of pastors and churches in the Reformed tradition that put the gospel of Jesus Christ at t...
In this One Minute Apologetics video, David Platt responds to the question, “How is Christianity categorically different from every other religion?”
David Platt invites us to consider what it means to obey the Great Commission...
The Gospel Coalition
John begins his Gospel account by introducing Jesus as the Word of God, echoi...
"Without truth, grace isn’t really grace, it’s just accepting or being nice. ...
Christ Covenant Church
We break down some ways we’ve gotten The Holy Trinity wrong, a right definiti...
The Village Church
Dr. Mark D. Roberts introduces 1 and 2 Timothy as helpful guides to what fait...
Fuller Studio
Look at the Book Teacher: John Piper Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli...
Desiring God
https://seedbed.com Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource ...
If we have already died with Christ and we are so focused on eternity, nothin...
Pastor of McLean Bible Church and Founder of Radical, Dr. David Platt, speaks...
Biola University
David Platt reflects on how consumerism undermines Christmas by leading us to...
"Sometimes we think Son of God refers to Jesus’ divinity and Son of Man to hi...
Dr. Christopher Hays introduces Isaiah by covering the breadth of its histori...
All nations will bow before God. This is where history is heading. Episode 12...
Watch David Platt preach about reaching the nations from 2 Corinthians 4 at T...