The Heart of God in the Call to Proclaim - John...
Watch John Piper preach about God's global heart from 2 Corinthians 5 at The ...
The Gospel Coalition
The Gospel Coalition is a group of pastors and churches in the Reformed tradition that put the gospel of Jesus Christ at the center of all activities. The Gospel Coalition seeks to help people know God’s Word with their minds, love God fully with their hearts, and engage the world with grace and truth.
Learn more about The Gospel Coalition
Watch John Piper preach about God's global heart from 2 Corinthians 5 at The ...
The Gospel Coalition
“If you really know the mercy of God, how does that not make you happy?” F...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch David Platt preach about reaching the nations from 2 Corinthians 4 at T...
The Gospel Coalition
David Platt invites us to consider what it means to obey the Great Commission...
The Gospel Coalition
Fred Sanders argues that latent in the gospel message is the idea of “the Fat...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller explains the new birth in this video clip from his message at TGC’...
The Gospel Coalition
Drawing on Jesus's imagery of salt and his parable of the Good Samaritan, Tim...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 24. Download the free study guide here: https://bit.l...
The Gospel Coalition
People often assume that because the four biographies of Jesus were written b...
The Gospel Coalition
Leonce Crump Jr., founder and lead pastor of Renovation Church in Atlanta, on...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 1–2. Download the free study guide here: https://bit....
The Gospel Coalition
Jackie Hill Perry explains some of the things about the minority experience i...
The Gospel Coalition
Joshua Ryan Butler explains that apologetics is less like a chess match and m...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller delves into the resurrection of Jesus from Luke 24, emphasizing it...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 15. Download the free study guide here: https://bit.l...
The Gospel Coalition
This message on Deuteronomy 15:1-18 from Jen Wilkin was given at The Gospel C...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 4. Download the free study guide here:
The Gospel Coalition
In this clip from his message at TGC’s 2019 National Conference, Don Carson c...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 9:51–62. Download the free study guide here: https://...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 8:26–56. Download the free study guide here: https://...
The Gospel Coalition
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering TGC’s 2016 Women’s Conference June...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 6. Download the free study guide here:
The Gospel Coalition
Francis Chan argues that the path and preaching of the prosperity gospel is d...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller delivers a plenary address on Exodus 19 at TGC's 2012 national wom...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 10:25–37. Download the free study guide here: https:/...
The Gospel Coalition
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering TGC’s 2016 Women’s Conference June...
The Gospel Coalition
The Gospel Coalition 2017 National Conference celebrated the 500th anniversar...
The Gospel Coalition
Ray Ortlund explains how the suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 offers us the opp...
The Gospel Coalition
In this video, Mika Edmondson reflects on a theme that runs through the first...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 19. Download the free study guide here: https://bit.l...
The Gospel Coalition
In this video, Don Carson reflects on a theme that runs through the book of H...
The Gospel Coalition
This message from Jackie Hill-Perry was delivered at the MLK50 Conference in ...
The Gospel Coalition
“Once saved, always saved but also, once saved, forever following.” J.D. Gre...
The Gospel Coalition
In this episode of TGC Q&A, Paul Tripp and J. D. Greear discuss the question,...
The Gospel Coalition
Carrie Sandom delivers a plenary address on Psalm 40 at TGC's 2012 national w...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Don Carson speak on Nehemiah 13 at our 2014 National Women's Conference...
The Gospel Coalition
Al Mohler and Bryan Chapell discuss how and why Jesus could not know the day ...
The Gospel Coalition
Conrad Mbewe addresses the significance of leadership in the Bible and how it...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 24. Download the free study guide here: https://bit.l...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 22–23. Download the free study guide here: https://bi...
The Gospel Coalition
"“If I love God, I must love people. I don’t have the choice to choose when.”...
The Gospel Coalition
In this clip from his message at TGC’s 2019 National Conference, Paul Tripp e...
The Gospel Coalition
In this episode of TGC Q&A, Tim Keller and Don Carson address the question, “...
The Gospel Coalition
This lesson covers Luke 1:1–4. Download the free study guide here: https://bi...
The Gospel Coalition
Timothy Keller preaches on the Psalms as the prayerbook of the Bible in this ...
The Gospel Coalition
John Piper delves into the Gospel of Luke, particularly emphasizing the autho...
The Gospel Coalition
“Scripture speaks to the moral dimensions of political realities, and insofar...
The Gospel Coalition
Francis Chan, pointing to the glorious throne room scenes in Revelation 4 and...
The Gospel Coalition
David Platt reflects on how consumerism undermines Christmas by leading us to...
The Gospel Coalition
In this episode of TGC Q&A, Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry discuss what Paul me...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller explains how the new birth is like time travel in this clip from h...
The Gospel Coalition
In this short talk, Jeremy Treat — pastor at Reality LA in Los Angeles, Calif...
The Gospel Coalition
Glen Scrivener explains how Jesus Christ is the sort of God we want to believe.
The Gospel Coalition
In this episode of TGC Q&A, Paul Tripp and J. D. Greear discuss the question,...
The Gospel Coalition
Questions answered.
The Gospel Coalition
Erik and Donna Thoennes share insights on how Christian spouses can encourage...
The Gospel Coalition
“Sometimes we can think that if there is something that is difficult for us i...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains 2 Samuel 7. Transcript and Audio:
The Gospel Coalition
Training the next generation of evangelists is more than just giving them the...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains Revelation 14:6–20. Transcript and Audio:
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains Romans 3:21–26. Transcript and Audio:
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Ligon Duncan speak on 2 Timothy 4:6–22 at our 2009 National Conference.
The Gospel Coalition
Mike Cosper, Paul Tripp, and Matt Boswell explore what's non-negotiable in ga...
The Gospel Coalition
Ligon Duncan shares how this Old Testament passage sets us up to better under...
The Gospel Coalition
“Jesus is enough, but we need to know who he is to know he is enough.” Jacki...
The Gospel Coalition
John Piper, founder and teacher of and Council member of The ...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains Exodus 20, Leviticus 16, and Exodus 32–34. Transcript an...
The Gospel Coalition
Russell Moore—president of the ERLC and TGC Council member—helps Christians u...
The Gospel Coalition
In this video clip from his message at TGC’s 2019 National Conference, John P...
The Gospel Coalition
In this Read the Bible video, Russell Moore explains the wedding picture of R...
The Gospel Coalition
If you’ve ever taken a spiritual gift survey and ended up frustrated, Michael...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains John 3:1–15. Transcript and Audio:
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Don Carson speak on 1 Corinthians 9:19–23 at our 2009 National Conferen...
The Gospel Coalition
In 2008, Pastor Mark Dever provided a brief but powerful answer to this all-i...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson explains Genesis 12, 17, 15, and 22. Transcript and Audio: https:...
The Gospel Coalition
Jackie Hill Perry explains how Christians can better understand and befriend ...
The Gospel Coalition
Trip Lee discusses the importance of having faith in God during difficult tim...
The Gospel Coalition
Don Carson introduces the 14-part series “The God Who Is There” and then expl...
The Gospel Coalition
Juan Sanchez points us to the origin of sin in the Garden of Eden and to the ...
The Gospel Coalition
In this video: Sandy Wilson Permalink:
The Gospel Coalition
In this One Minute Apologetics video, David Platt responds to the question, “...
The Gospel Coalition
In this video: Erwin Lutzer Permalink:
The Gospel Coalition
Trip Lee, rapper, author, and pastor at Cornerstone Church in Atlanta, Georgi...
The Gospel Coalition
John Piper and H. B. Charles
The Gospel Coalition
Joshua Ryan Butler says that as we share the good news in today’s secular cul...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keesee on what most encourages him as he travels around the world: The g...
The Gospel Coalition
H. B. Charles preaches on the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan wo...
The Gospel Coalition
Kevin DeYoung points out that Jesus is both a historical fact and a present s...
The Gospel Coalition
Kori Porter talks about the relationship between women’s ministry, disciplesh...
The Gospel Coalition
In this conversation, Jeremy Treat and Eric Thoennes discuss the relationship...
The Gospel Coalition
“Politics is always downstream from the culture, but that culture has been af...
The Gospel Coalition
Kyle Strobel claims that “prayer thrives when it’s done honestly” and points ...
The Gospel Coalition
A discussion about the vital role of theology in worship music. In this vide...
The Gospel Coalition
Courtney and Melissa speak with Nancy Guthrie about a Bible passage she frequ...
The Gospel Coalition
In this clip from his message at TGC’s 2019 National Conference, Don Carson s...
The Gospel Coalition
Ligon Duncan claims that we can believe in Jesus because he alone knows all t...
The Gospel Coalition
Philip Ryken describes his personal experiences, including memories of longin...
The Gospel Coalition
J. D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and pastor of The ...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Augustus Nicodemus speak on John 14:1–14 at our 2015 National Conferenc...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller speaks at The Gospel Coalition's 2017 National Conference celebrat...
The Gospel Coalition
This message from 2 Timothy 2:1-13 titled A Good Soldier from Kevin DeYoung w...
The Gospel Coalition
Tim Keller discusses the significance of the Red Sea crossing in the Old Test...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Nancy Guthrie speak on Nehemiah 7–8 at our 2014 National Women's Confer...
The Gospel Coalition
The story of the Syrophoenician woman’s faith in Mark 7:24–30 is explained by...
The Gospel Coalition
In his message at TGC's 2018 West Coast Conference, Juan Sánchez teaches the ...
The Gospel Coalition
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering TGC’s 2016 Women’s Conference June...
The Gospel Coalition
Sam Allberry explains the urgency not only of adoption and foster care but fo...
The Gospel Coalition
John Piper preaches on Mark 8:31–38 and conveys a compelling but humbling vie...
The Gospel Coalition
This message on Deuteronomy 6:4-25 from Kristie Anyabwile was given at The Go...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Stephen Um preach on Jesus and money from Luke 16 at The Gospel Coaliti...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch John Piper speak on Nehemiah 9–10 at our 2014 National Women's Conferen...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Tim Keller speak on Acts 19:23–41 at our 2009 National Conference.
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Phil Ryken speak on 2 Timothy 1:13–2:13 at our 2009 National Conference.
The Gospel Coalition
Carrie Sandom, Jenny Salt, and Kathleen Nielson explore the significance of t...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Voddie Baucham speak on 1 Corinthians 15:35–58 at The Gospel Coalition’...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch John Piper speak on Isaiah 11; 65:17–25 at our 2015 National Conference...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Paige Brown speak on Nehemiah 5–6 at our 2014 National Women's Conferen...
The Gospel Coalition
Scott Sauls—senior pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church and author—suggests t...
The Gospel Coalition
Conrad Mbewe, pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka, Zambia, speaking on...
The Gospel Coalition
Mark Dever explores the concept of secularism and its impact on individuals a...
The Gospel Coalition
This message from 2 Timothy 2:14-26 titled Unashamed Workman from Stephen Um ...
The Gospel Coalition
Resurrection Life in a World of Suffering TGC’s 2016 Women’s Conference June...
The Gospel Coalition
David Platt preaches on the healing of the paralyzed man in Mark 2:1–12, brin...
The Gospel Coalition
Watch Tim Keller speak on Deuteronomy 30 at TGC15 National Conference in Orl...
The Gospel Coalition