Wayne Grudem is a prominent evangelical theologian, seminary professor, and author. He co-founded the Council on Biblical ...
The purpose of Crossway has been, from its founding as a not-for-profit ministry in 1938, to publish gospel-centered, Bibl...
Dr. Tommy Givens introduces Romans, explaining how it calls us to live faithf...
Fuller Studio
In this video, we explore the original meaning of the biblical concept of “sp...
What is the Spirit's role in the Christian faith? How does the Holy Spirit re...
Is there a link between suffering and joy? N. T. Wright delves into this very...
N.T. Wright Online
For centuries, artists have portrayed angels as beautiful humans with wings a...
Who gets to be first? Trace the theme of the firstborn through the story of t...
Buy the video lectures: Amazon http://amzn.to/1QSXi6c Barnes & Noble http:/...
Learn more: crossway.org/books/saints-and-scoundrels-in-the-story-of-jesus-tpb/
What does the Bible really teach about heaven, and what is heaven’s relations...
Learn more: https://www.crossway.org/books/interpreting-eden-tpb/
This video on the Image of God traces the idea of humans as co-rulers alongsi...