“Blessed are the Poor in Spirit”: Explore the M...
Join us for the second episode exploring the most well-known collection of Je...
Watch this Visual Commentary video on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 6 as we explain the meaning of the Lord’s Prayer line by line. In this video, we cover ... - The significance of the location of the Lord’s Prayer in the Sermon on the Mount - Why Jesus begins the prayer with “our Father” - The three requests Jesus makes for God to act in our world - What it means to ask for “daily bread” - What “debts” are and how they’re tied to forgiveness - Why we ask God to spare us from tests 00:00 The Location of the Lord’s Prayer 01:00 Our Father Who Is in the Skies 01:45 May Your Name Be Recognized as Holy 02:32 May Your Kingdom Come 03:11 Our Daily Bread 03:52 Forgive Us Our Debts 04:23 Don’t Lead Us Into the Test 05:08 Seven Requests 05:44 Credits