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On Jonah 2

How to Read the 15 Prophetic Books in the Bible

How to Read the 15 Prophetic Books in the Bible

The books of the Old Testament prophets are packed with dense poetry and wild...


Introduction to Jonah and Nahum

Introduction to Jonah and Nahum

Dr. Peter Lim introduces Jonah and Nahum, highlighting their message of God’s...

Fuller Studio

What Is an Old Testament Prophet? (Sandra Richter)

What Is an Old Testament Prophet? (Sandra Richter)

https://seedbed.com Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource ...


1. Running From Your Life - Amazing Jonah - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

1. Running From Your Life - Amazing Jonah - Tim...

SUBVERSIVE STORIES OF A REBELLIOUS PROPHET http://www.doorofhopepdx.org/sermo...

Door of Hope Church

Book of Jonah Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

Book of Jonah Summary: A Complete Animated Over...

Watch our overview video on the book of Jonah, which breaks down the literary...


Old Testament Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

Old Testament Summary: A Complete Animated Over...

Watch our overview video on the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible...


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Old Testament Backgrounds

Old Testament Backgrounds

We come to the biblical text as outsiders. God communicated to and through th...

Seminary Now


What It Means for Jesus to Be the "Word of God"

What It Means for Jesus to Be the "Word of God"

John begins his Gospel account by introducing Jesus as the Word of God, echoi...


Summary of Philippians in Nine Steps: Philippians 1–4

Summary of Philippians in Nine Steps: Philippia...

Subscribe by email or podcast: https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/summary-of-p...

Desiring God

Introduction to Philemon

Introduction to Philemon

Dr. Eun Ah Cho introduces Philemon as a book where the Apostle Paul demonstra...

Fuller Studio

What Is Predestination?

What Is Predestination?

Predestination is God’s complete and powerful sovereignty over the salvation ...

The Village Church

The Simplest Way to Understand the Trinity

The Simplest Way to Understand the Trinity

Fred Sanders argues that latent in the gospel message is the idea of “the Fat...

The Gospel Coalition

The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2

The Birth of Jesus: Luke 1-2

The first in a five-part series on the Gospel of Luke. We explore the amazing...



Tim Mackie

Tim Mackie

Tim Mackie is co-founder of the Bible Project. He has a PhD in Semitic Langua...

More on Jonah

God’s Sovereignty Over Nature

God’s Sovereignty Over Nature

From galaxies to molecules, God rules over all. His power encompasses everyth...

Desiring God

Does God change His mind? Is Open Theism true?

Does God change His mind? Is Open Theism true?

Watch more episodes of Honest Answers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?...

Southern Seminary

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Can You Trust God in Your Pain? Job 1:1–12

Can You Trust God in Your Pain? Job 1:1–12

Subscribe by email or podcast: https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/can-you-trus...

Desiring God

What It Means for Jesus to Be the "Word of God"

What It Means for Jesus to Be the "Word of God"

John begins his Gospel account by introducing Jesus as the Word of God, echoi...


What Is Acts 17 Really About? | When Truth Meets Power

What Is Acts 17 Really About? | When Truth Meet...

In this session from the course, When Truth Meets Power, Prof. N. T. Wright e...

N.T. Wright Online

Introduction to Hebrews

Introduction to Hebrews

Dr. Marianne Meye Thompson introduces Hebrews with the reminder that Jesus is...

Fuller Studio

Does ‘willful sinning’ threaten my salvation?

Does ‘willful sinning’ threaten my salvation?

Watch more episodes of Honest Answers here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?...

Southern Seminary

The Both/And of Evangelism and Justice

The Both/And of Evangelism and Justice

Drawing on Jesus's imagery of salt and his parable of the Good Samaritan, Tim...

The Gospel Coalition

Nancy Guthrie: Learning from the Life and Death of Stephen

Nancy Guthrie: Learning from the Life and Death...

Learn more: crossway.org/books/saints-and-scoundrels-in-the-story-of-jesus-tpb/


For God So Loved the World: John 3:16

For God So Loved the World: John 3:16

Subscribe by email or podcast: https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/for-god-so-l...

Desiring God

What Jesus Taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Visual Commentary)

What Jesus Taught in the Sermon on the Mount (V...

Watch our visual commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, learn what Jesus mean...


Introduction to Jude

Introduction to Jude

Dr. Sebastian Kim introduces Jude, talking about how our faith in God is deep...

Fuller Studio

Glory Full of Grace and Truth: John 1:14, Part 2

Glory Full of Grace and Truth: John 1:14, Part 2

Subscribe by email or podcast: https://www.desiringgod.org/labs/glory-full-o...

Desiring God