Tim Mackie is co-founder of the Bible Project. He has a PhD in Semitic Languages and Biblical Studies. He wrote his disser...
Door of Hope is located in Portland, OR. We preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We live life together. We believe in si...
Seattle Area Pastor’s Network: Tim Mackie - The Gospel of John
Door of Hope Church
John begins his Gospel account by introducing Jesus as the Word of God, echoi...
"Without truth, grace isn’t really grace, it’s just accepting or being nice. ...
Christ Covenant Church
We break down some ways we’ve gotten The Holy Trinity wrong, a right definiti...
The Village Church
Tim Mackie is Teaching Pastor at Door of Hope and adjunct professor of Hebrew...
Regeneration Project
SUBVERSIVE STORIES OF A REBELLIOUS PROPHET http://www.doorofhopepdx.org/sermo...
Jesus offered people eternal life. But what does that mean? Explore the meani...
The New Testament contains four ancient biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, and...
Watch our overview video on the New Testament. This video breaks down the lit...
Seattle Area Pastor’s Network: Tim Mackie - The Gospel of John Handouts http...
In the New Testament, there are 21 letters written by early Christian leaders...