Biola University is a nationally ranked Christian university in the heart of Southern California. Founded in 1908, Biola o...
TTPT 609: Expository Preaching Examination and Application of Joshua 7 September 17, 2012
J.P. Moreland (Biola University) discusses consciousness and the existence of...
Biola University
Dr. Vince Bantu introduces Joshua, reflecting on God’s promises and on how Go...
Fuller Studio
Reformed Theological Seminary
Watch our overview video on the book of Joshua, which breaks down the literar...
Miroslav Volf, Croatian Protestant theologian and public intellectual, shares...
Design patterns are one of the key ways the biblical authors have unified the...
Pastor of McLean Bible Church and Founder of Radical, Dr. David Platt, speaks...
Watch our overview video on the Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible...
Dr. Joy Qualls, Professor of Communication Studies at Biola and author of "Go...
David Gungor and John Arndt from the band, The Brilliance, discuss the value ...
BBST 392: Minor Prophets The Prophet Hosea October 1, 2012
Francis Chan, Founding Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, speaks on "The...
From "To Everyone an Answer: 10th Annual EPS Apologetics Conference"