Fred Sanders is a systematic theologian who studies and teaches across the entire range of classic Christian doctrine, but...
Biola University is a nationally ranked Christian university in the heart of Southern California. Founded in 1908, Biola o...
Torrey professor Fred Sanders speaks on God's all-knowing power from Psalm 13...
Biola University
Fred Sanders argues that latent in the gospel message is the idea of “the Fat...
The Gospel Coalition
In the new testament, Christians are given a new lens through which they see ...
J.P. Moreland (Biola University) discusses consciousness and the existence of...
Miroslav Volf, Croatian Protestant theologian and public intellectual, shares...
Pastor of McLean Bible Church and Founder of Radical, Dr. David Platt, speaks...
Dr. Joy Qualls, Professor of Communication Studies at Biola and author of "Go...
David Gungor and John Arndt from the band, The Brilliance, discuss the value ...
Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods (CSAP 527), Dr. Walt Russell The Book...
From "To Everyone an Answer: 10th Annual EPS Apologetics Conference"
BBST 392: Minor Prophets The Prophet Amos October 10, 2012
Francis Chan, Founding Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, speaks on "The...