John Walton: Interpreting the Creation Story

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John Walton

John H. Walton is professor of Old Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. Previously he was professor of Old Te...


Founded on January 6, 2012, Seedbed is a twenty-first century movement and media platform whose mission is to gather, conn... Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource the people of God to sow for a great awakening. // Find out more and join the awakening journey! Download the PDF study guide: The church has always had a dynamic relationship with science. While some of the earliest church fathers allowed for interpretive license when it came to biblical texts, later representatives of the church were rather firm in their objections to new scientific theories and their implications for biblical interpretation. Nonetheless, the earliest innovators in modern science, including Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, were committed Christians. They believed that their Christian faith provided fertile ground for exploring the natural world. The question that remains for the church then, is how appropriate texts that on the surface appear to teach a particular account of creation. Does science become subservient to a theological text?

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Bible References

Genesis 1-2