Apostasy and Falling Away in Hebrews (Joshua Bloor)

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https://seedbed.com Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource the people of God to sow for a great awakening. // Find out more and join the awakening journey! https://seedbed.com Can a person lose their salvation? What does it mean to fall away from the faith? In today's Seven Minute Seminary, Joshua Bloor explains an Arminian interpretation of these critical passages in the Letter to the Hebrews (Hebrews 2:1; 3:7-4:13; 5:11-6:12; 10:19–39; 12:1–29). On the possibility of apostasy, see also: 1 John 5; Rev. 2-3. Read Ben Witherington's lengthy commentary on this possibility here (http://benwitherington.blogspot.com/2008/02/christian-apostasy-and-hebrews-6.html). Scot McKnight deals with the claim that different kinds of people (i.e. not Christians) are in view in the warning passages here (http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jesuscreed/2012/01/16/warning-passages-ahead-brief-response/). Several scholars from the Arminian-Wesleyan theological tradition have written excellent commentaries on Hebrews: + Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude by Ben Witherington III + The Epistles to the Hebrews (NICNT) by Gareth Lee Cockerill + Perseverance in Gratitude: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews by David DeSilva + Hebrews (2 vols; Word Biblical Commentary) by William L. Lane + Understanding the Book of Hebrews: The Story Behind the Sermon by Kenneth Schenck + The Book of Hebrews: Its Challenge from Zion by George Wesley Buchanan + Asbury Bible Commentary: "Hebrews"

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