Jackie Hill Perry is a author, poet, bible teacher and hip-hop artist. Since becoming a Christian, she has been compelled...
Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We're on a mission to change that. All of our r...
In this video: Jackie Hill http://www.desiringGod.org
Desiring God
Jackie Hill Perry explains some of the things about the minority experience i...
The Gospel Coalition
Jackie Hill-Perry knows that a life well lived speaks volumes in a world of c...
Q Ideas
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Wheaton College
Look at the Book Teacher: John Piper Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playli...
"“If I love God, I must love people. I don’t have the choice to choose when.”...
This message from Jackie Hill-Perry was delivered at the MLK50 Conference in ...
Francis Chan For more resources visit http://desiringGod.org
“Jesus is enough, but we need to know who he is to know he is enough.” Jacki...
From galaxies to molecules, God rules over all. His power encompasses everyth...
Jackie Hill Perry explains how Christians can better understand and befriend ...
In Christ, your greatest tragedy is behind you, and your most glorious life i...