John Piper serves as founder and lead teacher at Desiring God and is chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 ye...
Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. We're on a mission to change that. All of our r...
Look at the Book Teacher: John Piper Playlist:
Jesus offered people eternal life. But what does that mean? Explore the meani...
Dr. Tommy Givens introduces Romans, explaining how it calls us to live faithf...
Fuller Studio Seedbed's mission is to gather, connect, and resource ...
"What historical proof or evidence is there that Jesus really rose from the d...
Southern Seminary
Ephesians is an "in him" kind of letter. Paul continually stresses that every...
N.T. Wright Online
How can we have true forgiveness? Miroslav Volf, professor of theology at Yal...
The Veritas Forum
John Mark Comer is Pastor for Teaching & Vision at Bridgetown Church in Portl...
Regeneration Project
Look at the Book Teacher: John Piper Playlist:
Desiring God
In this video, Don Carson reflects on a theme that runs through the book of H...
The Gospel Coalition
▶ Do you know Jesus as your Savior? ...
Tony Evans
Is Christianity a religion of rules? That's not how Paul viewed Christian eth...
In the New Testament, there are 21 letters or epistles written by early Chris...
Dr. Tommy Givens talks about how the book of Romans addresses the power dynam...
In Galatians, Paul seems to be on the defensive—but why? In this video from o...