Biola University is a nationally ranked Christian university in the heart of Southern California. Founded in 1908, Biola o...
Chapel from September 23, 2010. Rick Langer dissects John 14:6.
J.P. Moreland (Biola University) discusses consciousness and the existence of...
Biola University
What is the Spirit's role in the Christian faith? How does the Holy Spirit re...
In this video on the Messiah, we explore the mysterious promise on page three...
Dr. Marianne Meye Thompson introduces John, highlighting its key message that...
Fuller Studio
Study 'Themes in the Gospel of John' with N.T. Wright. Learn more at https://...
N.T. Wright Online
People often assume that because the four biographies of Jesus were written b...
The Gospel Coalition
Miroslav Volf, Croatian Protestant theologian and public intellectual, shares...
The New Testament contains four ancient biographies of Jesus of Nazareth, and...
Study 'Themes in the Gospel of John' with N.T. Wright! Learn more at https://...
Pastor of McLean Bible Church and Founder of Radical, Dr. David Platt, speaks...
Watch our overview video on the New Testament. This video breaks down the lit...
Dr. Joy Qualls, Professor of Communication Studies at Biola and author of "Go...
"Peace" is a very common word in English, that means different things to diff...
David Gungor and John Arndt from the band, The Brilliance, discuss the value ...
Watch our overview video on the Gospel of John, which breaks down the literar...
BBST 392: Minor Prophets The Prophet Hosea October 1, 2012