Q Backstage: Alan Noble (Disruptive Witness)
Q Ideas
Q is a proven vehicle for building and sustaining a vision for restoring the credibility of the Christian faith in Western culture for new generations. Our long-term goal is to see the Christian faith become increasingly attractive, credible and influential in the church, our communities and the next generation.
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Jackie Hill-Perry knows that a life well lived speaks volumes in a world of c...
Q Ideas
Christians often talk about the common good but find it difficult to pursue i...
Q Ideas
One of the most powerful virtues in our society, is also one of our least kno...
Q Ideas
The word “power” often brings to mind the image of a mighty dictator or rolli...
Q Ideas
The West represents the wealthiest and most educated people in the world. As ...
Q Ideas
The Kingdom of God enables people to live their fullest life within God’s lov...
Q Ideas
One of the most powerful virtues in our society, is also one of our least kno...
Q Ideas
Injustice, violence, discrimination, racism. As Christians, we cannot ignore ...
Q Ideas
Christians often talk about the common good but find it difficult to pursue i...
Q Ideas