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Ligonier Ministries

Founded by Dr. R.C. Sproul in 1971, Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible. Ligonier’s outreach today is manifold and worldwide.
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Resources from Ligonier Ministries

What Does "Inspiration" Mean in 2 Timothy 3:16?

What Does "Inspiration" Mean in 2 Timothy 3:16?

R.C. Sproul explains what Paul meant by "inspiration" in 2 Timothy 3:16. Tra...

Ligonier Ministries

Jesus, the Son of Man

Jesus, the Son of Man

Sinclair Ferguson explains what Jesus meant when He referred to Himself as th...

Ligonier Ministries

Justification by Faith Alone: Martin Luther and Romans 1:17

Justification by Faith Alone: Martin Luther and...

In Romans 1:17, we read that “The righteous shall live by faith.” In this bri...

Ligonier Ministries

Salvation: A Sovereign Work of God

Salvation: A Sovereign Work of God

In this excerpt from a message at our 2010 National Conference, John MacArthu...

Ligonier Ministries

H.B. Charles Jr.: Made in His Image

H.B. Charles Jr.: Made in His Image

As Christians, we have a high view of human beings as made in the image of Go...

Ligonier Ministries

God Is Love: Loved by God with R.C. Sproul

God Is Love: Loved by God with R.C. Sproul

Scripture tells us that God is love. For this reason, many Christians boldly ...

Ligonier Ministries

Jesus Is Our Righteousness

Jesus Is Our Righteousness

Jesus not only had to die for our sins, but He had to live for our righteousn...

Ligonier Ministries

Tim Challies: Purity in a Digital Age

Tim Challies: Purity in a Digital Age

The world is changing, and it’s changing fast. Technology makes information m...

Ligonier Ministries

How Should We Respond to Violence Perpetrated by Christians in History?

How Should We Respond to Violence Perpetrated b...

How should we respond to violence perpetrated by Christians in history? In th...

Ligonier Ministries

When God Is Your Refuge, You Are Immovable

When God Is Your Refuge, You Are Immovable

In this brief clip from our 2012 West Coast Conference, Steven Lawson examine...

Ligonier Ministries

Justification and the “Deeds of the Law”

Justification and the “Deeds of the Law”

In this brief clip from his teaching series Justified by Faith Alone, R.C. Sp...

Ligonier Ministries

What We Celebrate at Christmas - R.C. Sproul

What We Celebrate at Christmas - R.C. Sproul

R.C. Sproul reminds us that what we really celebrate at Christmas is the inca...

Ligonier Ministries

How does the Holy Spirit work distinctly in the Old and New Testament?

How does the Holy Spirit work distinctly in the...

Prior to Pentecost, not every regenerate person was specially anointed by the...

Ligonier Ministries

Albert Mohler: The Holy Spirit and Apologetics

Albert Mohler: The Holy Spirit and Apologetics

This message will explain the meaning and purpose of the internal testimony o...

Ligonier Ministries

Proclaiming the Exclusivity of Jesus Will Result in Persecution

Proclaiming the Exclusivity of Jesus Will Resul...

Alistair Begg speaks on the exclusivity of Jesus and how in church history, a...

Ligonier Ministries

How can I obtain eternal life? - R.C. Sproul

How can I obtain eternal life? - R.C. Sproul

There is no other way to be reconciled to God apart from faith in Jesus Chris...

Ligonier Ministries

Tim Challies: The True Messiah

Tim Challies: The True Messiah

Throughout human history, many people have claimed to have a revelation from ...

Ligonier Ministries